Interesting facts guanaco – habitat, diet, size and species with images

“Calm, beautiful, elegant, peaceful, low temperament, intelligent,” are the many adjectives you will hear people trying to describe guanacos. It is true that everyone will want to be near this animal. Guanacos are very beautiful and attractive. You will be tempted to want to touch the soft wool of their skin. They are very friendly and are not known to attack human beings therefore if you see your kids going near them let your heart not skip a beat, they are absolutely harmless.


Goliath frog – habitat, diet, size and species with images

As a child, one’s іnfоrmаtіоn on the Gоlіаth Frоg, Cоnrаuа gоlіаth, would be limited tо a fеw brіеf sentences hіddеn аwау in various bооkѕ, but thіѕ is еnоugh tо ѕраrk a person’s іntеrеѕt. Evеntuаllу, a lіfе-ѕіzеd ѕсulрturе оf оnе at thе American Muѕеum of Nаturаl Hіѕtоrу givеs some іdеа оf just hоw іmрrеѕѕіvе a сrеаturе it is, аnd one’s desire tо lеаrn mоrе іntеnѕіfіеs. Happily, you may find a job аt the Brоnx Zoo ѕhоrtlу аftеr a grоuр оf Gоlіаth Frоgѕ аrrіvеs thеrе frоm Cаmеrооn, and you would be аblе tо indulge уour раѕѕіоn.


Crocodiles – habitat, size, species and diet with pictures

Armored with tough, scaly skin, crocodiles can be defined as enormous aquatic reptiles that can be found in most freshwater bodies in Asia, Africa and Australia, although there are crocodiles that can be found in salt water. One thing that is usually very confusing to most people, is the resemblance between crocodiles, alligators and Gharials. The gharial has a narrow snout and are easy to tell apart.


Fruit bats – habitat, size, species and diet with pictures

The fruit bat is one of the few animals that has numerous names; fruit bat, Megabat, flying fox and even old world fruit bat. It is usually confusing for people when they hear the bats called flying foxes because they have no relationship with the foxes. They are called fruit bats mainly because they look like dangling fruits when hanging on trees. They also do not belong to the same biological family as the common insectivorous bats.


Giant panda – facts, habitat, diet and size with pictures

For most people when they hear about Giant Panda the only thing that rings in mind is their unique black and white spots which make them adorable and attractive throughout the world. Others may even think of the famous TV series Kung Fu Panda. In China, where they are highly populated, in the ancient days, they were viewed as symbols of fighting evil spirits. However, today in China, they see the animals as a national treasure, and they have set in place strict measures to ensure they are protected. There are other facts that are interesting about the Giant Pandas that will amaze you to know.


Secretary bird – facts, habitat, diet and size with pictures

In general, birds are some of the most admirable creatures in existence. They have a lot of features which make us love them ranging from beautiful plumage, through impressive aerial manoeuvres to fascinating human-like behaviours. In this article, we observe another interesting bird; this time a bird found in the south of Africa. The Secretary Bird is a huge bird that has been identified with falcons and hawks.


South american animals – diet, habitat, facts and lifespan with images

When many people think about South American animals, the first thing they think of is images of beautiful birds, big snakes, and may be llamas. South America is certainly a place in which these kinds of animals live in; but then there are many other interesting animal species found on this vast continent. In this article you will get to know a lot about some of the popular animals that live in this continent in addition to some you may not have even known.


Maned wolf – habitat, diet, size and species with images

From its name, you may be tempted to think that it is a wolf. However, looking at it gets you to rethink your original idea because it is not a fox. Its physical appearance is close to that of foxes, but it is not a fox either. It is betrayed by the fact that foxes have elliptical pupils that are vertically oriented to help them see in the dark. The maned wolf, on the other hand, has circular pupils.


Dung beetle – diet, habitat, facts and lifespan with images

“Harmless most useful creatures,” is the description you can give this wonderful creatures. Ask any dairy farmer and they will tell you that the presence of cow dung and having to clean every now and then is the greatest challenge they face in their dairy farming activity. They have to employ a helper who will do the job of cleaning as they do those other activities of feeding and milking the cows. The reason why most people would rather buy milk for their consumption than keep cows, who would give them milk for their consumption as well as sell to their neighbors thus giving them extra income, is the issue of having to clean dung every now and then.


California condor – diet, habitat, facts and lifespan with images

If you came across a California condor in a lonely place you will be filled with fear especially if you have never come across such a big and huge bird. The first thought that will gripe your mind will be what you would do if it attacked you. The eyes are fierce and ready for war or so you will think. California condor is a peaceful bird and will not eat or attack any living thing.


Scorpions – diet, habitat, facts and lifespan with images

Scorpions are some of the most dreaded arthropods to ever crawl on the surface of the earth. Naturally intimidating in appearance, they thrive in almost every part of the world. From the hot sand dunes of the Sahara Desert to the bamboo forests of China, one can easily find a scorpion.


Snakes – diet, habitat, species and size with pictures

Snakes are perhaps the most interesting reptiles on earth and as well, the most hated ones. Found almost everywhere in the world, snakes are not alien to humans, just as their most popular preys are not alien to their bellies. Naturally one of the oldest animals on earth, and quite popular as referenced in the bible and a couple of other holy books, snakes parade an impressive resumé of jaw-dropping physical features, life patterns and behaviours.


Clouded leopard – diet, habitat, species and size with pictures

The Clouded Leopard is an incredibly beautiful wildcat, the smallest of the big cats found in the wild. They are very solitary animals and a lot of study has not been done on these cats, because they prefer to stay out of sight. Clouded leopards are found in the Himalayan highlands of South East Asia, and a majority of these species are found in Nepal, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Southern China. Despite their name and resemblance, clouded leopards are actually not closely related to leopards. They come under the family Felidae and are classified under the genus Neofelis.


Arthropods – facts, habitat, diet and size with pictures

Arthropods are all the animals that fall under the phylum called Arthropoda,which is a wide phylum which contains myriapods, insects, crustaceans and arachnids. They have various characteristics which they share in common and these characteristics are what qualify them to be in the phylum Arthropoda. They are said to have been the first animals to walk and live on dry land and it is believed that they actually evolved over 500 million years ago.


Fossa – diet, habitat, facts and lifespan with images

You might have seen them being depicted in animated movies, but this is actually a real animal. The fossa as it is known in English is known scientifically as Cryptoprocta ferox. This unique animal is found in the island of Madagascar located near the coast of Africa. This is the only place where fossa can be found.


Kookaburra 2 – diet, habitat, facts and lifespan with images

Someone once said “Every bird on earth is interesting”. This statement has been proven true in a lot of birds including the kookaburra. This Australian bird may not be as physically interesting as one would expect. However, the facts which surround this bird, as well as their natural behaviours make them distinct in their own ways.


Hyrax – diet, habitat, species and size with pictures

In this article, we look at another unique product of nature; the hyrax. It may lack the majesty of the lion, the craftiness of the fox, the swiftness of an eagle and the flawless candor of the dove yet, it has its own unique set of attributes and features. But before we go into details, discussing these interesting facts, it is important that we understand what a hyrax is, and, at least understand what it looks like.


Wallabies – habitat, diet, size and species with images

The wallabies are very similar to the kangaroos since both of them belong to the same family and both of them possess the same bodily characteristics. The only difference among them is their size. The wallabies are much smaller and are considered a smaller version of the Aussie kangaroos.