
Red tailed hawk – facts, habitat, diet and size with pictures

In today’s article, we look at one of the most adventurous predators of the air, simply known as the red-tailed hawk. For us humans, this birds is just another of nature’s many glamorous birds in the wild, but for smaller birds, rodents and small reptiles, the red-tailed hawk is the undoing–their doom. This bird is America’s most popular hawk as it is easily sighted in virtually all corners of North America. Perching carefully on nearby trees or poles or drifting in circles high above the grounds, they inspects their horizon for the slightest indication of the presence of preys.


Baby lemur – habitat, size, species and diet with pictures

Whenever lemurs are thought off, there is a confusion that lemurs are the ancestral primate. However, when you take keen interest in the life cycle of baby lemur, you will understand that they just evolved independently and have no relation whatsoever with the emerging of apes and monkeys. All being said and done, lemur belong to the superfamily of Lemuroidea, order of primate suborder Strepsirrhini and infraorder of Lemuriformes. The name lemur derives from the word lemurs, which basically means spirits or ghosts. According to the community around where lemurs are found, this name fits perfectly with the characters of the animal. It has a haunting look and it’s extremely active during the night unlike other animals and for this reasons, it was believed that baby lemur represents spirits or ghost.


Siamang – diet, habitat, species and size with pictures

If you have ever heard a big noise across the forests, chances are, you must be listening to Siamang. It is one of the largest Primate. In fact, it’s the largest of the family. Like other Primates, Siamang gibbon has a high developed brain that makes it more unique. Siamang is dark, noisy and large. Therefore, this character makes it different from the other species of the primate family. However, apart from the fact that they are noisy, siamang are known to be very active and early raises. Here are some of the interesting facts about siamang in details.


Dogo argentino – facts, habitat, diet and size with pictures

Dogo Argentino can be described as a breed which was developed out of necessity. In the early 19th century, there was a wild animal known as a boar which was a great threat to the agricultural plantations. Boars would destroy crops worth millions of dollar each year. Boar is a large and strong animal. Human beings would take so long to hunt and kill just one boar. This boar was also a threat to the lives of human beings. Because of the availability of food, boars multiplied very quickly. Their reproduction rate was alarming and human beings could not help wondering what they would do to curb this problem. A medical doctor known as Antonio Nores decided to breed a big hunting dog.


Greyhound dog – diet, habitat, species and size with pictures

Greyhound is a very peaceful dog. It really barks and will be found walking majestically around the homestead. It has a smooth coat mostly distributed with two color pattern. This gentle, intelligent dog is very independent. It has a strong deep chest and long powerful legs. The spine is very flexible. Greyhound has a slim physical appearance. The male are larger than the female. Their shoulder height ranges between 71 cm and 76 cm. The females’ shoulder height ranges between 68 cm and 71 cm.


Takin – habitat, size, species and diet with pictures

One fact you will agree with is that this animal certainly looks like a character from Dr. Seuss. It is large and muscular, has the tail of a bear, a nose like that of a moose, a body that resembles that of a bison horns like those of wild beasts. This animal is also called the goat antelope because it shares numerous characteristics with both the antelopes and the goats. However, they are not closely related relatives with either. As a matter of fact, takins are much closer to sheep, especially the Barbary sheep of north Africa, than they are to goats and antelopes.


Snow leopards – habitat, diet, size and species with images

Today we discuss the interesting facts about the snow leopard. Perhaps, you already know about the regular leopard which is on its own one of the world’s greatest climbers in the cat family. What you may not yet know is that there is a special type of leopard called the snow leopard. Very certainly, it will be difficult to discuss this beautiful animal without discussing its family. Therefore, before going into details about the interesting facts of this animal, let’s get to consider the family and close cousins known as Felidae.


Birds paradise – diet, habitat, facts and lifespan with images

Everybody loves to be associated with something beautiful and very good names are given to beautiful things. You will find society or a parent who is blessed with a beautiful baby naming her Angel. People like associating beauty with heavenly being or things.  The bird of paradise is not left behind, in the sixteenth century some European discovered this bird.  Birds of Paradise had never seen such a beautiful bird in this world and in the wild, in the whole of their lives.


Poison dart frog – habitat, size, species and diet with pictures

“All that glitters is not gold.” Is a saying which can clearly be used to refer to these most beautiful, brightly colored frogs, the poison dart frogs, also called dart-poison frog and formerly called poison arrow frog. Who would imagine that such a beautiful frog, one you feel like you can carry everywhere you go would be poisonous. I wish a tag written “Poisonous” would be hanged on every poison dart frog to sensitize people. The name poison dart or poison arrow was given by native Indian tribe which used to rub their hunting arrow tips on the back of these frogs.


Newts – habitat, diet, size and species with images

You will be forgiven to scream as loudly as your voice can possibly allow at the sight of a newt especially if you were not expecting to see it or have never had a chance to see it and have only read about it on books. Newts are never scared, your presence cannot move one of its limbs and the funny thing is that it will stare at you and will leave you wondering what its next move will be. It has a smooth and soft skin, sharp unblinking eyes, a long body and a long tail. It has four limbs. Their resemblance is in between a frog and a lizard.


Ladybug – facts, habitat, diet and size with pictures

Ladybugs can be seen almost everywhere and if you have your own little garden that is healthy and you do not use any insecticides or artificial pesticide, then you will probably find one in your garden.
These little bugs have various names depending on the region, in some places they are referred to as lady beetles, ladybirds or ladybird beetles. Scientifically they are known as coccinellids and there are currently over 6000 species that have been identified. They are actually not bugs, but rather they are beetles.


Cassowary – facts, habitat, diet and size with pictures

People say it is the most dangerous bird in the world. Others say that it is a shy bird, choosing to get away from human beings and keep to itself in the deep forests. Others consider it a rather peculiar bird, while others still think it is a beautiful creature. Whatever the views people have, this flightless bird, otherwise known as a ratite, is definitely an interesting study. Meet the Cassowary and let us explore some fun facts about this bird.


Armadillo – habitat, size, species and diet with pictures

Armadillos are very funny, barrel-like creatures with a protective armor on their back. Indeed, its name signifies “a little armored creature” in Spanish. It’s protective armor works magnificently on its predators, but sadly not on the cars. These are also called “Hillbilly Speed Bump” due to their unique propensity to come near the cars on the roads.


Stink bugs – habitat, size, species and diet with pictures

Stink bugs are insects which are classified under the family Pentatomidae. They are oval shaped insects, which produce a foul smelling chemical in glands on their abdomen. These odd looking insects can be seen occasionally around living areas, and are major pests of many crops, such as legumes and cereals, and they feed on both cultivated and uncultivated crops. The name stink bug is derived from the chemical which they produced, which is believed to be used to fend off predators. There are a lot of stink bug species, but they possess similar physical characteristics.


Vinegaroon – habitat, size, species and diet with pictures

You will agree with me that the sight of vinegaroon is scary. The first thing that crosses your mind is how painful its bite can be. The sight of its large, strong, ready to attack pedipalps can make you want to kill it before it attacks you or your children. You are not alone most people have killed them and I believe that their behavior of hiding during the day and coming out at night when it’s dark and everyone is asleep has saved them very much otherwise they would all be dead by now.


Bat eared fox – habitat, diet, size and species with images

The best lesson you can learn from bat-eared fox is ‘unity.’ You will never find them fighting each other or even preying on each other. The male lowers itself to a point of taking care of the young ones. When another female is asked to come and assist in taking care of the young ones it does not refuse or give excuses. You will not find such unity with any other animal not even in human beings.


Vultures – facts, habitat, diet and size with pictures

It is said that, ‘the first impression matter very much.’ This is because people will spend just a few seconds to evaluate you when they first meet you. They form an opinion about you not based on facts but from what they first see. It is usually hard to erase the opinion people make about you from the first impression or rather it requires hard work to erase it. At the mention of the word ‘vulture,’ people’s faces change to not very pleasant looks. This is because the first thing you see in a vulture is a bald head.


Caecilians – habitat, size, species and diet with pictures

Today we consider another interesting creature of nature: the caecilian. This creature has a whole array of features and behaviours that are sure to impress you as you will soon see. Before we proceed, it is important to take a quick look at the creature in question. To do this, examine its history, habitat and more.


Crane – diet, habitat, facts and lifespan with images

Cranes are very beautiful birds. They are majestic and from their look you can know that they have a lot of confidence. I have seen one and wondered, “if only you would talk, I would take many leafs of wisdom from you.” For example, crane does not just sit and wait for a good season. It is opportunistic and will follow the season rather than wait for the good season like other creatures. This means that when other birds and animals are complaining about a dry season, the crane is busy in another continent enjoying life of plenty.


Generuk – habitat, diet, size and species with images

Gerenuk is at the top list of the animals I find elegant and very beautiful. I am sure that if you have ever seen it you can attest. One look at it and the next thing you will be thinking of, is how you can take its photograph. You will be forgiven to think it is a young giraffe.